(Please watch the video since the minute 4:43, but if you wish you can see completely.)

Racism manipulates fear towards what is
different, manipulates frustration and low self-esteem of global masses, creating
an invisible enemy for them, when in fact such evils are somewhere else, even
in oneself.
But, are we taught to
be racist since a child? What is black is bad and what is white is good, or
vice versa? Through the experiment conducted to children, as you can see in the
video, they found that racism is transmitted and reproduced culturally, but Is
this a reliable conclusion? In my opinion, control questions were taken out of
context, I think so because I believe that aesthetics and culture features were
mixed. Ever since young we were taught that darkness is related to fear and bad,
and whiteness to light and good. However, there were kids who answered without
considering the different skin colors and they saw everyone equally, but others
didn’t, then who or what makes a child think this way? Society, technology,
parents? What do you think?
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